
nape.util.BitmapDebug, nape.util.ShapeDebug
Debug class providing general utilities

Also serves as the base type for Debug draws.

Static Methods

static function clearObjectPools():Void

Force clear all object pools, both internal and public.

static function createGraphic(body:nape.phys.Body):flash.display.Shape

+ Create a flash/nme Shape representing the given Body.

static function version():String

Query Nape version

Instance Properties

var bgColour : Int

+ Background colour for debug draw display.

var colour : Null<Int -> Int> = null

+ User defined colour picking.

var cullingEnabled : Bool = false

+ When true, objects outside the debug draw screen will not be drawn.

readonly var display : flash.display.DisplayObject

+ The flash/nme native display object representing debug draw.

var drawBodies : Bool = true

If true, then all bodies in the space (whether active or not) will be drawn.

var drawBodyDetail : Bool = false

+ If true, then things like the body centre of mass, and bouncing box will be drawn.

var drawCollisionArbiters : Bool = false

+ If true, a representation of contact patches will be drawn.

var drawConstraints : Bool = false

If true, then representations of the active constraints will be drawn.

var drawFluidArbiters : Bool = false

+ If true, a representation of centres of buoyancy and overlap will be drawn.

var drawSensorArbiters : Bool = false

+ If true, a representation of sensor interactions will be drawn.

var drawShapeAngleIndicators : Bool = true

+ If true, then indicators of the shapes rotation will be drawn.

var drawShapeDetail : Bool = false

+ If true, then things like shape centre of mass and bounding box will be drawn.

var transform : nape.geom.Mat23 = new Mat23()

+ Transformation to apply to all debug draw operations.

Instance Methods

function clear():Void

Clear the debug view.

function draw(object:Dynamic):Void

+ Draw a Nape object to debug draw.

function drawAABB(aabb:nape.geom.AABB, colour:Int):Void

+ Draw AABB.

function drawCircle(position:nape.geom.Vec2, radius:Float, colour:Int):Void

+ Draw circle.

function drawCurve(start:nape.geom.Vec2, control:nape.geom.Vec2, end:nape.geom.Vec2, colour:Int):Void

+ Draw quadratic bezier curve.

function drawFilledCircle(position:nape.geom.Vec2, radius:Float, colour:Int):Void

+ Draw filled circle.

function drawFilledPolygon(polygon:Dynamic, colour:Int):Void

+ Draw filled polygon.

function drawFilledTriangle(p0:nape.geom.Vec2, p1:nape.geom.Vec2, p2:nape.geom.Vec2, colour:Int):Void

+ Draw filled triangle.

function drawLine(start:nape.geom.Vec2, end:nape.geom.Vec2, colour:Int):Void

+ Draw a line segment.

function drawPolygon(polygon:Dynamic, colour:Int):Void

+ Draw polygon.

function drawSpring(start:nape.geom.Vec2, end:nape.geom.Vec2, colour:Int, coils:Int = 3, radius:Float = 3.0):Void

+ Draw linear spring.

function flush():Void

+ Flush any pending draw operations to debug view.